
The Booths Next Door

Booth toward the door:

Attractive blonde whispers confidentially (but loud enough for me to hear), "She did what?"

Menopausal voice responds, "Asked him out."

AB, "Are you serious? But she's still married."

MV, "I know, she doesn't care!"

AB, "Who does she think she is?"

MV, "God's gift to men, apparently."

AB, "Someone oughta tell Steve. He would be devastated, if he knew what she's been up to at work."

MV, "I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know already..."

AB, "Can I have your lemon?"

MV, "Yeah, sure."

Booth opposite restrooms:

"MAH HAHA HAHA-HAAH-HA (something unintelligible with food in mouth)."

"HAHAHAHAHA-OOH-AHAH-HAHAHAHA, yeah...*sigh*, whew. Right"

"Wish I had these nachos for the game tonight."

"Take some home!"

"Neh. You bringin' beer?"

"Thought you were?"

"(Something unintelligible with food in mouth) HAHAHAHA-MAH-AHAA!"

Can you tell which booth had men and which had women? ;)

I made the observation that between women, conversations are easier to put together in story form because they elaborate and gossip. Men, on the other hand, are busy enjoying food, oogling women, and talking beer.